31 October 2024

<handyman> ghost
<handyman> what did you dress up as for halloween?
<handyman> a pumpkin?

22 September 2024

<adderallman> hi
<adderallman> who wants copious amounts of dextroamphetamine sulfate coursing through their veins?

22 December 2016

<THÀNATOS☭> well me and my friends used to play a game calle "you are jessica alba"
<THÀNATOS☭> we would close our eyes and pretend each other was jessica alba
<THÀNATOS☭> I would close my eyes and start touching my friend pretending he was jessica alba and he would close his eyes and pretend I was jessica alba
<THÀNATOS☭> it wasn't gay though because we were thinking about jessica alba

8 October 2016

<ludwig_knoblauch> You have to use Skype and Ratsapp, just because your female and homo friends do. You cannot spend your whole life with crypto folks only. We are about 1 / sq mile in New York.

4 October 2016

<☭коммунизм☭> :(){ :|: & };: or the government can see your MAC address
<THÀNATOS☭> that is what samina posted
<THÀNATOS☭> doesn't work on my terminal
<☭коммунизм☭> try harder faggot
<THÀNATOS☭> Let me see.

13 August 2016

<d3vzer0> where's red? did he manage to lock himself in insider a win10 container ?

28 July 2016

<mr0xffffff> http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/man-born-two-penises/
<ghost> is that you?
<mr0xffffff> My belly overlaps my cock, so i can't tell

24 July 2016

<khomeini> maybe it's not a good idea to treat the word of twitter infosec people as political gospel

20 July 2016

<khomeini> If you're asking me to agree with you, then no.

19 July 2016

<kommy> apparently Melanie Trump was fed a speech that was plagiarized from a speech given by Michelle Obama in 2008
<ghost> Let's dispel with the fiction that Melania Trump didn't know what she was doing
<ghost> she knew exactly what she was doing

18 July 2016

<lydia> oh shit tru

16 July 2016

<ghost> It's the State's role to decide what goes in your body
<ghost> And if you don't like that, well, you can move to fucking Russia or something.

13 July 2016

<hrm> hrm

4 June 2016

<Thanatos☭> I think there's no such thing as rape

24 May 2016

<jjj> i just scanned my face
<jjj> looks pretty weird
<red_dragon> it's not the scanner's fault

22 May 2016

<gh0st_3xp10it> oh god i can't unsee what i just saw
<gh0st_3xp10it> when spying on webcams goes wrong
<gh0st_3xp10it> old ass granny pole dancing

18 May 2016

<red_dragon> do not stare into the abyss that is the windows TCP/IP stack

29 March 2016

<☭коммунизм☭> watching two eskimos fuck in a tent on the computer I installed ubuntu on in my retard class
<☭коммунизм☭> in the dark
<☭коммунизм☭> good times, man.

25 February 2016


11 February 2016

<THANATOS☭> no one has RSVP'd for my blood orgy, what' going on???

27 January 2016

<lohikäärme> this just went faster than the theoretical max speed of my connection for a moment
<ƀilly> time and space are now your bitch lohi

23 January 2016

<yoyoyo> from what ive gathered your all a bunch of pathetic no life computer nerds for example: Red_dragon: is a fag that just talks ALL fucking day about using fucking VM'S Ghost: is just some faggot who comes on here and "says" hes a programmer but show's no proof Billy: is just a fag that talks about random worthless shit so i dont reall know what to think of him Crypto: is just a stupid idiot that talks all fucking day about i2p and how he's making a python script to block porn websites and last BUT CERTANILY NOT LEAST is neutral the faggot who says he works for the goverment when really he's still living with his parents somewhere up in west virgina aka i have include YOUR ALL LOSERS

6 January 2016

<red_dragon> I'll brb, nature calls
<red_dragon> *picks up phone*

4 January 2016

<thanatos> why do I need doctors when I have you guys
<billy> because its less awkward when a dr puts his fingers up your butt checking for stuff mostly id imagine thana

3 January 2016

<thanatos> heaters are for pussies
<elzisto> xD
<red_dragon> I see no problem with you using a heater then

2 January 2016

<anguila> [nadim]'s hot

23 December 2015

<☭коммунизм☭> this package is out of date!!
<☭коммунизм☭> use the source luke

23 December 2015

<beautifulgirl> boi or girl
<red_dragon> dragon
<beautifulgirl> ok

21 December 2015

<thanatos> ghost all the quotes on cryptocrap make me sound like a creepy unbalanced individual.

21 December 2015

<britanyrulesthis> thanatos im sorry but i never tried to suck your ball??

1 October 2015

<THANATOS☭> women's bodies are for reproduction

16 September 2015

<elnino> my dirty little confession ghost, i've already seen (and fap) to all RMS

14 September 2015

<1realvictor> anyone here uses Netscape Navegator
<1realvictor> ?

11 September 2015

<nop> ghost, you need to update cryptocrap quotes
<nop> Needs more quotes
<nop> Here's some spares I have: """"""""""""""""

9 September 2015

<1realvictor> i heard a scientist from NASA saying that if Oprah was thrown or pushed out from an aircraft would have the effect of 1000 atomic bombs

24 August 2015

<bane> Are you Arthur?

31 July 2015

<ghost> i'm getting zero hits for tom brady murder 20 people

7 July 2015

<wrath> The only thing gay about me is my nipples

4 July 2015

<Thanatos> yea when I was in highschool I would try to find the freakiest shit I could
<Thanatos> I used to read bizzarro fiction, there was this book called "the ass goblins of Auschwitz" it was alright

3 July 2015

<nutella> where's jaxx?
<pru> Probs out for martini's with victor.
<nutella> hahahhahaha lol